Product Details
+Go Barefoot's history stems back over fifty years, an uncommon amount of time for most apparel manufacturers. This longevity is the direct result of producing some of the finest contemporary styled Hawaiian themed men's shirts available today. In Go Barefoot you'll find any number of styles and prints from contemporary to traditional to vintage as well as the newest style of reverse prints. Products currently offered are in the traditional Hawaiian style in cotton as well as the embroidered prints finished on a 100% silk body. You?ll find not only some of the finest quality traditional Hawaiian men's shirt but you?ll find them at very reasonable prices making Go Barefoot one of the best values in the market today. There will always be a number of companies making Hawaiian style shirts but very few who can boost of being in business for over fifty five years. The quality, value, style and family traditions go a long way into uncovering why this company has remained one of the premier producers of Hawaiian shirts and why you'll probably see them around in another fifty five years simply because good quality and good style remains timeless.
- Traditional and authentic Hawaiian prints on silk, cotton and or blended fabric combinations
- Men’s shirts tailored to reflect the natural beauty of one of the most stunning places on earth – Hawaii
- 60 year old company dedicated to manufacturing the finest quality traditional Hawaiian style men's shirts
- Deep rooted tradition for making the highest quality apparel while maintaining traditional Hawaiian styles and design
- Go Barefoot produces Old Style Hawaiian style men’s shirts and women’s apparel as well as vintage Hawaiian and traditional reverse styles